Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When can i start exercising again?

I had my gall bladder removed 3 weeks ago via key hole surgery when do you think it will be ok to start exercising again ie doing sit ups ect

How many months did it take texas to consolidate its independence from mexico?

It didn't happen quickly. 40 months at least. As I recall hmm Cos maybe, Wol? invaded and occupied San Antonio as late as 1842, defeated at Salado Creek. Gave birth to the disasterous Mier Expedition into Mexico. In fact, I believe the Snively Expedition raiding trade on the Santa Fe Trail happened in 1842, also.

Whatss thiss songg? Lyrics included?

Ok im so confused i know its an old song. It goes like 1, 234 minutes how long does it take to (idk the rest) then through moonlight and cups of coffe. OK does that sound familar Im sorry I just heard it on tv and its driving me crazy. haha thankss

Should i drop michael vick from my fantasy team???

I agree with Paul, hes too risky to keep around when there's other quality players around for the pickn'. I would too go with Garcia, reliable.

Painful bump under my underarm..?

I had that too... I am 16 and had a couple of those bumps under my arms and it would hurt especially when I stretched my arm outward, squishy also. I don't know what it is but I put rubbing alcohol on it and it went away really quickly. Also you could try WebMd Symptom Checker

Looking for song "ioo hee ioo hee zaa vee zaa vee ee"?

I got a retro song stuck in my head... the bad thing is i don't know the lyrics... the chorus sounds something like "ioo hee ioo hee zaa vee zaa vee eee". it is performed by a band with woman vocal

Can I add someone to my home or property without giving them any legality over it, for sales & such?

I have a senile Grandma who wants piece of mind by seeing her name on it. But sometimes shesnot all there, so we don't want her to interfere if and when we sell & move.

Which foods would be most likely to cause symptoms of lactose intolerance why?

Is this a homework problem. I will give you a tip but not an answer. Lactose is the kind of natural sugar in milk. A person who has lactose intolerance does not have the enzymes needed to digest lactose. If a person is lactose intolerant, the greater amount of milk product the person eats, the more symptoms of lactose intolerance he will have.

What say you Motorcyclist dies after Route 130 accident?

Another useless death caused by an illegal criminal. I say give him the death penalty. I hope he has riding brothers

Fans throwing beer again?

Near the end of the race after Kahne took the lead the female reporter said that someone almost hit Kahne with a beer bottle (Trying to hit Busch, probably)...how long do you think it will be before NASCAR revokes beer drinking priviledges at the track? Busch didn't even win, obviously the fans doing this don't realize how dangerous it is, or don't care. Maybe NASCAR will step up soon enough before it get's out of hand...did anyone else hear this and what's your thoughts?

Would a fruit bat survive in a snowy mountainous region and return home?

My friend's exotic pet, a fruit bat, was under my care while they were on vacation. I thought I had the cage door closed but when I opened my door to leave for work, the bat flew outside into the trees around my house. Is it possible it will come back? I wasn't abusing it so I don't understand why it would try to escape.

Can my college's ISP or the government track the websites I view while on my college's network?

Every computer has a unique number igned to it, when your os is installed, which is sent when you go to different sites. If you break the law( like looking at child ), law enforcement can match that number to internet usage. Your school wouldn't have the authority, or technical ability to track you down though.

Could copper iud removal cause period to change so drastically???

I had the same one as you, and I had problems from the start and in the end it came out, and novv I have it to thank for my beautiful daughter!! but my periods vvhere really regular before and novv they are all over the place and some months only last for 2 days,,, Give it 6 months or so for you to settle dovvn as although theres no hormones it can effect your periods, ie making them heavier and longer...

Getting buzzed different kinds how to do it?

You lost all of my respect at smoking oxycodone. And you don't die from opiate withdrawals, and doing opiates doesn't make you some horrible criminal compared to pot kids. It means you have a good taste in drugs, and don't do ones that go out of style after middle school.

Can i use paypal from pakistan ?

i am from pakistan. i have credit cards of VISA, MASTER and AMERICAN EXPRESS. but when i try to creat my account in paypal there is no name of pakistan in country's list. can i use paypal if i provide wrong address and country?

I don't understand him! Please help! ?

You did a really brave thing by being up front and honest with him! I don't know what his issue is hon, but go and find a guy that knows how to talk back... Seriously, a handshake!?!?!

Which is better for allergies, local honey or bee pollen granules?

either is fine, the important thing is that the product is local, harvested within 10 miles of where you live, or as close a possible.

What kind of school do I need to go to if I want to become a contractor?

I am interested in becoming a contractor or working for a general contractor. I want to learn how to do carpentry, insulation, and drywall. where would I go to school to learn these trades?

Do I have an STD?!?! Someone please help! 10 pts!?

A while ago, I performed on my boyfriend. Later on, I noticed something a little different. My tongue is sore like I had bitten it in my sleep and I have phlegm in the back of my throat (or it just feels that way). A while bac, my tongue had a burning sensation, but it was because of salt. So now I don't know what to think. I looked in the mirror and my tonsils look swollen. This hasn't really happened to me before. I don't know what could be wrong. Do I have an STD or something? Oh, the soreness of the tongue isn't constant. One day it can be sore and the next it can be fine. If anyone has any ideas or inputs, please help.

My nape neck piercing has a cyst I think?

Two options you can go to a doctor and ask him. That would be the best choice. Or leave it and see if it heals. I reccomend the doctor. Peircing are tricky things and should not be handled if you're not completely sure. Expecially something like that I'd go to a doctor and ask him. Or even give him a call and ask about it explain what it is and how it feels and if you should go in. Good luck

Submissive dog?

My friend's got a Toy Fox Terrier that is really submissive. Every time we get near her she crouches down and piddles on the floor. It's almost as if she's petrified of us, however she's never been abused. She's going to take her through obedience training, but does anyone know if there's anything she can do to stop it meanwhile. And NO, doggie diapers are not an option. Thanks for everyone's help. If you cannot reply with a serious answer please do not reply at all, thank you.

I want to be a bicycle courier?

It would be the perfect job for me at the moment. So Does anyone know any companies (in london) that I could ask about vacancies?

What is a good Autobiography?

I Dont really Care what the person does. I Dont want Politics though. Ive read a few like Maos last dancer and Lance Armstrongs two. But want some more

Do we not wish to remove them ?

Two men abduct, and kill, then burn a house with four people in it. Thank God at least one got out, ensuring that the trash that did it would face justice. Now, can you tell me that the two men are viable members of our society ? Type the words "they deserve to live" if you can, and justify their continued existence on this earth. Justify it.

Moral Philosophy Question about Genetic Engineering?

What do you all think of spidergoats? Do you think the profits from silking a genetically engineered goat would outweigh the potential drawbacks? How much do you think spidermilk would be worth?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hahahaaha you batista fans,answer this?

what are you going to do when he faces the undertaker,I guess the deadman is going to suck in your eyes too huh.hhahahaa,you morons have completly killed the wwe,thank god for tna.what's going to happen when all the true wrestlers ouit and it's just marky mark cena and the jolly green giant batista who are they going to push them over then,who are you going to boo.what's going to happen when tna start's stomping a mud hole in wwe's ***,you ran off all your talent, are you going to do use cena and batista,ahahahaha give me a break.you have already lost angle,christian,the new aged outlaws,rino,trish,lita and coutless others.

Chris Pine fanfiction?

he's dating Audrina from The Hills. Thats insane!! He's super attractive. WAY better than gross Justin Bobby

Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 secret slab/ mystery part?

i have pokemon mystery dungeon 2, and have unlocked the marine resort. i need the secret slab/mystery part for lugia, darkrai, celibi, (not mewtwo) etc. the probem is that i've died with the SS trying to get rakiou,and i dont have the MP! HELP!!!!!!

WEED/LIQOUR Question????

Is it better to have 8 shots of vodka/whisky/scotch/bacardi ot to take 4 hits out of a marijuana blunt.

Have you noticed that as of late racism is making a comeback?

It is always here, just join a heavily GOP shooting range and you can have all kinds of cool (male) racist friends.

Which Popular Female Vietnamese Singer Do You Like Best?

I'm an a American person that loves Vietnamese music. Which popular Viet female singer do you like the best? I like Trish Thuy Trang and more.

What Is So Great About Manhattan?

My wife and I lives in Astoria,Queens,and she always wanted to live in Manhattan,but I want to stay in Queens(Just like Doug and Carrie on the King of Queens) But I just wants to ask what's is so great about Manhattan?It basically the same as Queens.

Help!!! I dont want to go to summer school!!!?

Ok so all year i have had a E in math. My teacher recommended summer school but it's not mandatory and i wont fail if i don't go. The paper says you have to be willing to go so my back up plan was to show my azz off so they will kick me out of the program.I tried to hide the paper from my mom but she found it in my drawer (nosy bytch) the paper says to turn it in by June 5th and its May 30th right now, it also says first come first serve. im hoping that she forgets or to many ppl sign up so my question is will they send another notice if i got in and/or what else can i do to prevent myself from going. I had an idea to get the letter out of the mailbox and throw it away, is that a good idea.? Thanks :-)

How to lock a memory stick with pword?

I have a sony pro duo memory stick, now, I want to creat a pword for protection. Any one knows, please help! Thanks!

Well I have this "friend" who annoys me?

I have a friend I have been friends with since 6th grade we are freshmen now. She was cool then but she never grew up. Like shes super immature and annoying. Sometimes she is cool but I cannot spend more then five minutes with her without being tempted to punch her in the face. She would chew food then stick her tongue in my face or laugh over stupid stuff. Worst of all she lies ALL THE TIME within my time being friends with her everyone died her grandma died 7 times (she still has one of two alive) and her best friends died, in other words her hamster died. She gets mad if I hang out with anyone else and thinks I'm talking about her because all of my other friends don't like her. I want to have to hang out with her less and I end up saying I already have plans but I feel bad cause I am like her only friend. I also feel bad because her mom is always telling her how fat she is (110 pounds) and she has to lie to her mom about making out with guys and stuff to make her mom proud. She was anorexic for a while because of her mom. Like how can I slowly back away without like being rude. At the same time she always complains about EVERYTHING like her room is two small, she has two houses one up against the boardwalk and another HUGE one for four people. Sometimes I feel like saying "I live in a two bedroom apartment with 6 people so shut up!" I never do though. She hears someone say they don't like her hair she has a meltdown and cries I am just like "dude it's one person who cares, at least nobody's saying crap like your pregnant and stuff" . I know this is confusing but what should I do? Should I just deal with her cause she cant pick out her own clothes (her mom goes to holster and asks them what their most popular sellers are and buys them cause she thinks it will make her popular). Or should I just be like I'm fed up buh-bye?

I need some help getting over my fear?

FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real, thought tornados are definatly real, if you still do what i ume ur parents trained you to do ( hide in a safe location) the fear is just a defect of the fight or flight response, i have it to on some things and im much older than you. you are not immature, ur actually more mature than most adults i know you admit you have a fear and trying to learn how to deal with it. that is very mature. Try to figure out what part of it is actually bothering you and try to rationalize it away. The bathroom part is normal ur body is trying to prepare the flight . (get rid of it now so u dont have to do it later during the actual storm event--- as ur probably worrying that if it does hit u wouldnt have a place to actually go later)

What kind of shoes would I wear with this outfit?

I can't see the other ones, but for the first, flats for a cute laid back look, or to go out, a thin belt and boots :)

All are saying that there is no place for trimurti in one dayers but i ask where do you have replacement?

As Sachin cannot be replaced by Shewag or Ganguly cannot be replaced by Ghambhir and Dravid cannot be replaced by Rohit Sharma and I aslo have one Question Who has perform in 20-20 that is Senior Players Like Yuvraj in batting and RP Singh Shrshanth in bowling I ask named the Younger Players who had given there performance which can win the Match it is only the Bowlers and Senior Batsman who has given there perfomance.

Should we reward sub-prime borrowers?

Any alternatives? Yup - the hard one. Let the chips fall where they belong. Housing must reset to reasonable pricing. those who bought unwisely suffer - those who loaned when and where they should not have go under. LOTS of suffering on many people's part, but all the actions suggested simply prolong the agony - it is going to happen anyway! The only question is how much those uf us who were responsible are going to be d by politicians pandering to the losers who do no deserve help for a self created crisis.

How can one team have a tougher schedule then another team in the NFL??

I mean, all these guys are the best of the best. There are no sucky players in the NFL, even the ones who ride the pine. Anyone can win on any given sunday. Regardless of their W-L record.

I have a wireless cisco router, and my girlfriend has another brand. Can i use my setup software on hers?

the setup software that came with hers is kinda strange i was wondering if basically if all set up software is the same or is it more brand specific

Help with AP Art History !?

omg. seriously. read your book and look up the answer yourself. we know you can do it. that's why you're taking the cl.

Have any of you flown China Southern?

They have cheap airfares Sydney through Bangkok to Paris. I think Airfrance takes over the second half.

How to fix damaged drywall due to wallpaper?

I just went through this last week (removing a wall paper border). While I was scraping it off some of the drywall paper was peeled off too. I used a light coat of spackle. And before I painted the wall I used a damp terry cloth towel to smooth out the spot. Good Luck!

Why are men so difficult when it comes to love in a relationship, need to know?

I met a guy on Yahoo Personals, turned out to be ok. But he was very high maintenance and always wanted more and never gave. Is this normal in a man. I find it odd that the more I cared for him the more he wanted from me, now my fridge is empty and so are my pockets,, help, really want to know why it is so difficult to meet some one that can love me for me and not the things I can do...

Which "scotch guard" is better for furniture?

I have found that the best scotch guard protection for furniture is the type made by the 3M company. I've used just about every brand out there and have yet to be disappointed using the 3M. You will need two coats and if you have children, apply in a well ventilated room though it will dry to be odorless. I use it every year on my patio furniture cushions which are subjected to the automatic sprinklers almost daily in the summer. The water puddles right up and you can almost shake off the liquid and sit on the furniture immediately without getting wet. In addition, we get a daily wind through our canyon that carries with it a fine grit dirt that rests on the cushions. Before using the scotchguard, it would deposit on the fabric and leave grunge. Now, I can brush it right off. Needless to say, as I entertain a lot, I have had guests who have spilled everything from condiments like ketchup and mustard, to wine to liquified er on my cushions and all of it comes right up because it does not sink into the fiber of the fabric. Great stuff. I find mine in the discounters, mainly Target.

Help on world history?

You can guess the answer to the second question by applying a little logic. Just re-read it and you'll see.

Would someone who spent 20 yeas in Reverend Wright's congregation make a good president?

listening to him say God d___ America, and U.S. of KKK America, printing Hamas editorials in his church bulletin, and claiming the AIDS virus was invented by America to kill black people?

What should I do about my sister and nephew?

Someone definitely needs to step in and handle this situation before it gets out of control. You and your other siblings need to have an intervention.

What would happen if someone preached this set of ist remarks amid a witches' coven?

a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250464/Curate-outrages-congregation-telling-women-silent-submit-husbands.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-…/a

What have been some of the funniest things you have seen on answers? Someone just sent me a email about a...?

Hell! What gives Freddy the audasity to tallk about the mystery gang like that? That was too funny. Star.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Truly likes me or just wants a fling?

If he knew how many times you posted this question on yahoo answers, he'd probably reconsider liking you... No wonder you're single...

Distinguish between zero and nothingness in mathematics?

zero is an entity, being a number ,belonging to the field of real numbers.it is the additive identity in the real number field.it already exists.it is not nothingness.[sudhakarang@alumni.iitm.ac.… is the author of gr-qc/0106029 in xxx.lanl.gov

Why is Adderall not effecting me anymore?

i was taking a lot of adderall over the summer of 2009. i loved it, it made me talk a lot, gave me energy, and i never wanted sleep or food. but i liked the feeling of focus and relaxation it gave me. that was the first and last time i had done adderall until now. i got a bottle of them 2 days ago. i took 2 at 1pm and im pretty sure it worked. i felt good all day and i cant remember if i slept at night(if i did it was only for like 3 hours). the next morning i took 2 and then another 1 about an hour later cause i felt nothing. 3 hours after that i snorted one. still didnt really feel much different(yes i now know that taking 4 like that is bad). that night i took a sleeping pill and crashed for 7 hours. next day i parachuted one in the morning. then took 1 more about an hour later. still nothing. why am i not getting the nice feeling anymore?

There is a SEAGULL in my FLAT!!! HELP!!!!?

Please, help! I live in the city centre of Bath, and it has never been a problem till now, a seagull has flown into my attic! Please help as I am petrified of birds, and though it is only trapped in the attic for now, I am worried as to how it will leave. My husband is on holiday to Spain now (I am on his account) and he normally takes care of these things except this has really never happened before! Should I call an exterminator? Any help much appreciated! x

Would you accept this trade?

Since you only start 2 WRs and you still have Holmes and Edwards on the bench, I'd say go for it. Benson has turned into a serious performer for the Bengals, and I have a feeling Favre is gonna run out of gas again, which will hurt Rice's numbers.

Humans are gullible and Margerine is worse than er maybe?

I believe it has been scientifically proven that hydrogenated fats are harmful to the human body. I was recently mailed a research article that convinced me that margarine is only a tiny fraction away from having the same ingredients (in scientific terms) as plastic. This just confirms my belief that many illnesses are man-made - we reap what we sow! Margarine was introduced in UK during WWII and my childhood, days of rationing. I can believe that it was first used to fatten up USA turkeys. I prefer the taste of dairy er, but fed my children margarine as it was cheaper, and I was convinced that it was better for them because of the added vitamins. I no longer believe anything the advertisers tell us, their only motive is profit and increased sales. Experts often contradict one another depending on which manufacturer is backing them. I suggest that we "play safe" and eat healthily, natural products, taking all things in moderation for a long and healthy life.

My friend is stealing my life...?

Mmmm the only thing i can say is try little by little to distance yourself from her, and try making friends with other people, i think it will be hard to find somebody with similar interests to be your friend but there might be somebody like that out there. It's not use having a "friend" like her, i have a friend who used to be really fat then had gastric bip surgery, got thing and would always hit on guys i would kind of like, even though she got a bf o.O but i just let her be and tried to not hang out with her as much and try not to show her that i liked a certain guy, now we still talk and hang out once in a while, all is good but as i distanced myself from her all the drama went away, so i recommend you try to hang out less with her and try to find a new friend, how do you know maybe you should try talking to one of ur friends who seem to like her better over you and tell her how you are feeling, and the things she has done to you, perhaps she/they will side with you(or pitty u lol) and think she's a b*tch lol but yeah try talking to one of your other friends about it, you never know maybe you will get closer to one of them, ooooor you can also try making friends with a guy, maybe not a guy you like, but just a friend and tell him about your problems with this girl and little by little forget about your "friend", best of lucks~! :)

How to P a Hair Follicle Test?

My boyfriend has a really great job opportunity coming his way, but he's going to have to take a hair follicle test to get into the company. He has about a month till the test and has already quit smoking pot and the such. Does anybody know how to p the hair test, products you can use that actually work, natural ways to cleanse the follicle, ect??? Please help... this is an awesome job!!

ATHEISTS..How can you say that the world is NOT INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED and believe in the LIE of Big bang?

The majority of satellites in this solar system have synchronous rotation. It's due to drag from gravitational attraction. I'm a Christian, but God does not bless ignorance. He is not going to exalt you beyond what you know. You have to put the work in too, and learn the things you need to in order to argue God's case. You also need to know what God's case is, and if you believe in a young Earth, you need to find relevant information on this subject. The phenomenon of synchronous rotation is unconnected to the question of intelligent design or an old or young Universe.

Do I have a nose picking problem?

I find myself at least once an hour picking my nose. I always get something out and I feel I do it cause if I don't I have trouble breathing. I do it as privately as I can but It's embarring. Can it be a medical problem? I don't feel I do it as a habit or boredom. I do notice that I'm always taking a quick exhale through the nostril to "test' the airway and find myself unsatisfied with the result. So I pick...again

Back to school outfit?

the outfit sounds cute but if i were you i would wear one of the colors on the shirt as an undershirt so it will stand out more.

Anyone else have a cl (grade) like mine?

i do... not fun!!! haha, but just be urself and people will like u for who u r(at least most will, lol)

Hull city fire sale//Giovanni/hunt/altidore/b… all contracts expired in june not renewed meltdown?

Hull are in serious danger of going bust and Bullard is on a reported £50 thousand a week. I feel sorry for Hull, but players like those you've mentioned have got to go in order for the club to survive.

Pregnant, or just g or air pains..... Im going crazy....?

Had middle May, am on BC and used condom everytime except once. June 1st i started my placebo,(sun) As of June 3rd, i hadnt started so i tested in the morning, negative. I ended up startin my period on the 4th, but it was a different flow and length. My bloatingfrom havingmy period went away, but came back the thursday of my new pack. I have had bloating now for a couple days. I believe it gets worse after i eat, I can feel pains. I feel pains in my lower stomach, maybe my ovaries? not sure. Its not like cramps... I have been having more bowel movements as well as urinating more the past 24 hours. I am burping all the time, just randomly. I feel like i am on a pain killer, the cookoo feeling, and im not. I took cold med one night to help me sleep and thats when the feeling started. I have had slight headaches in one area, they come and go.Am i over yzing thinking im pregnant? Are these just g annd air pains that i am feeling? How do i relieve my pain and get it to go away

ICarly room decorations and furniture?

i already know where to get everything, but it is ridiculously expensive. is there a way i can make a side table like the cupcake one, or is there a cheaper one somewhere? the same with the gummy bear wall lights, ice cream sandwich bench and water boat coffee table?

What formed the terrain on Mars??

im doing a project for school and cant find this answer could someone please help me with it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Potential energy is 1000 joules m is 60kg... what is weight in newtons?

No reason to even have potential energy, just multiply your m in kg by the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s^2) to get a weight of 588.6 N.

What is the proper shotgun setup for hunting deer?

I have a Mossberg 500 and new to hunting deer with a shotgun (Come from MI and have always used a riffle). Most of my time with it has been pheasent hunting and I haven't shot a slug through it yet. I was wondering was configuration is best for hunting deer? I have a 28 inch barrel but also can get a riffled barrel from my bother-in law. I have 3 chokes and wasn't sure which to use? I thought I should use the full choke but also have the Modified and IMP CYL. I wasn't sure which choke to use and the setup. I'm sighting it in tomorrow. Can anyone please let me know what the best set up for this gun? I will be hunting out of a tree blind, 12 feet up, in pretty dense woods. We cut 5 shooting lanes cut but the rest is pretty dense. 50 yard shoot max. thanks!

Can Someone tell me What is wrong with me? Heart Problems? But Im 20...?

learn how to meditate and practice deep breathing techniques. meditating for a while in a quiet place will give you ample rest.

Is it over with now between us?

It sounds to me like he might just want you to want him, but he doesn't want you to want him to want you lol. That kind of sounds like an Amanda Palmer song a little bit, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. Basically, maybe he is like oh I still want her to want me and not ever get over me, but at the same time I want to be single and do "my own thing" whatever that is to him. I say he is stringing you a long. I think maybe you should stop texting him all together and see what happens. If he comes back to you and says I can't stand being away from you, screw stress from work and all that stuff lets just be together, then go from there. If not then you get an answer and it will become easier for you to move on because you have already stopped communication.

Hysterectomy at 16?

It's completely valid medically. However, at age 16, you don't know for sure that you won't want children someday. You would hate to make a decision that could haunt you forever. Make sure you weigh everything out for a long time before you make a decision. It sounds as though you have. If the pain is too bad, a doctor will give you no choice about it. You are in a tough spot, but if you don't want kids, the choice is clear.

I'm looking for work?

Hello. Can someone please help me find a construction company that's looking for general laborers? I do have experience in marble/granite/tile setting for a number of years, and I've done framing and drywalling, but at this point any position work just fine. I'm in good shape. I can lift heavy objects, as I like to because I treat it as a workout, and I'm very much eager to get started asap. Please, any bit of help will mean a lot to me as I'm desperate to make money to pay bills like yesterday. I promise I won't let you down. I live in Los Angeles, CA (Burbank) to be more specific. I'm willing to drive too.

Is 5.56mm NATO more deadly or 7.62mm NATO more deadly to human target?

When fired to a human target in the chest or abdomen. is conventional 5.56mm NATO ball ammunition more deadly or 7.62mm NATO more deadly to human target?

Is there a place where u can get tickled by paying some dollars?

is there any anyplace in america where u can pay some dollars and get tickled by a mistress...i am very ticklish and i just want to know the feel of getting tickled from a female..

Are you allowed to work with a military recruiter in a different city as opposed to one that is in your city?

Yes you can! local recruiter was never available to speak with so i went to one 2 hours away. Proud Air Force member as of March (lol) best decision ever!

Was GW Bush an acting president, like Reagan?

It sure seems like both were just figureheads, while the presidencies of both were controlled by the VP.

How can i record my screen activity with a clear audio while i am djing on my traktor dj softwares?

I have tried many screen recording softwares but they do no have good sound quality which is the sole purpose of my vedio.

Infiniti large format inkjet printer?

Does anyone know about this Infiniti FY8180 Large Format Inkjet Printer used for Outdoor Advertising. I have one and it's broke down. I need it's manual, or any help to fix the problem (No ink come out, although the printer X & Y movement are correct)

Do you think that Techno could become a religion?

Now already it can be considered a cult: you have a central figure in it (the DJ, MC); you have various means of changing the state of mind (often use of drugs, loud, low pitched repeating sounds); ceremony (dancing, light effects) and all for the sake of feeling the spirit of unity and worshiping (where worshiping would be directed to technocraty and, in a way, science - the drugs are often synthetic, the sound and the light are very often electronic and, partially, mechanic, the central figure acts as a contact between the worshipers and their goal). Since all of this (a central figure, changing the state of mind and ceremony) can be found, with the exact same purpose, in many early, and even contemporary cults, and since we know that a cult can develope into a religion, or become a part of some religion, do you think this could happen to techno (culture)? Also, would you agree that right now, it is a cult?

I dont kow what happened to my rc car?

i was trying to break in the engine, on my hb lighting gt10, and followed the insrtuctions by turning the needle valve to the starting position, i then proceeded to turn the car on, it immediately went crazy, it got up to full throttle, and the wheels were turning like crazy. im not sure if it was something i did to the needle valve, or is there something wrong with my radio?

Microsoft word trouble!!?

I wrote a couple of pages with the Beta version of Microsoft word 2007 but it eventually expired and when I tried to open the doent with Word 2003 all I got was an endless string of herogliphs. I tried everything I thought it would work but nothing did. I tried changing the font, changing the encoding but nothing. Can you help me? Give me some suggestions cause that project was for the university and i'm screwed if I cant get it to work!

Trade proposed?

I need a decent WR and RB. I am trying to trade Wes welker and C. benson for MJD & Marvin Harrison. Is this a good trade? Would you take it? Should I throw in the Giants defense to sweeten the deal. My other RB is Addai, had Morris but he's not a starter. My other Wr's are Holt, mason and Holmes

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hamlet: "I loved you ever"?

in Hamlet by a little known playwright Billy Shakes, the graveyard scene when he says that... would you say that that is the climax. Something about that line resonates with me. if not could you please explain why you don't think it was the climax and what you think IS the climax. so much stuff happens...

Which hairstyle do you like better?

the third/last one would look best i really like that one and it look as tho everyone else dose too !!

Why am I always happiest around water? Seriously! It's WILD!?

The ocean thrills me the most, of course. The watery part of nature just deeply moves me. On an almost surreal level. I adore all things about water! The movement, reflection of light and surrounding nature or structures, the scent, the feel, the utter lightness of being (antigravity mode). It is as if the center of me, the mermaid in me rejoices and super-connects or something. My body dances, reacts, connects, reflects in water! My brain becomes ultra-imaginative! My emotions soar to joyful heights almost better than... well.... you know!! lol THE most relaxing thing I can imagine, and always has been, is being mostly submerged in or just relaxing on or around water. I'm a water baby! Whether at the beach, lake, pool, pond, stream, bathtub, or in my private hot tub. I just LIVE to be in H2OH!! ;-D Your comments are welcome! Thank you!

Why wasnt paris killed in romeo and juliet(bazz lurhmans)?

he was killed in the play(shakespeares, right at the end when romeo is in the monument where the "dead" juliet is) but wasnt killed in bazz lurhmans and not sure about the 1968 version. can u please tell me why it wasnt in the new movie or atleast why you think it wasnt. and dont just say its the directors interpretation because that doest make any sense or answer anything, because i dont meen why does he have the right to i meen there must be some reason

Matrix TSD M700 Long Barrel Airsoft Sniper Rifle Help?

I want to buy the airsoft sniper riffle above and it says it goes 430-450 FPS with .20 gram bbs, but i want to know is how much slower it will go if i use .23, .25, .28 airsoft elite bbs with it. cause i want to have more accuracy but i don't know if it will slow it down to like 370 FPS or something like that. i don't want to buy a chronograph to find out but i might have to.

Christian's do you believe gay men should be killed?

When Jesus died on the cross, he said, it is accomplished. Further support for this lies in the new testament epistles that says following the new testament law is no longer necessary. See especially: Galatians, Hebrews and Romans.

Good books to read??????????

I like Wish You Well by David Baldacci. It doesn't take place in the Victorian era, but it does take place in the early 1940s. It's about two kids whose father is a famous writer, and he gets killed in a car accident, and their mother becomes mentally ill from the accident. They go to live with their great-grandmother on her farm in Virginia, and it tells about their adventures there. Then, family troubles come, and the kids don't know if they can stay with their great-grandmother. It has a beautiful ending, and I think that you will enjoy it. It starts off a little slow, but it gets really good by the end. Hope this helps!!

Where can i find saints and or lsu tutu outfits for a toddler?

i have a almost 2 year old whos in 2T clothes and im looking for SAINTS/LSU outfits for her, preferably the TUTU outfits, any help finding this would be great! thank u!

My Girlfriend, her ex and another male friend help ;l?

ok broski so just tell ur chick dat itz pissin u off and maybe she'll stop but if she keeps doing it than maybe she still has feelings fer her EX and maybe some fer her "best friend" if it doesnt work just talking to her than itz time to cut the relationship

Where can i get details of who the pilot was on a concorde flight in 1976?

I am trying to get details of who the captain was of a Concorde flight in 1976 that flew Winnie the pooh from America to Heathrow and any publicity photographs of Pooh bear on the flight. PLEASE HELP

Would an MRI of the SI joints show a subluxation?

Especially if the subluxation is minor - or is a CT scan more suitable? I was pushed forward on the mid-left of my back on a rowing machine when trying to reach for the handlebar and felt about two ordinary crackles to the left of my lower back with no pain at the time. To my recollection it felt about three or four inches to the left of my beltline. Could the crackling sensation have just been a ligament ping over a ligament, or just the SI joint? Even if it was the SI joint, it doesn't necessarily mean that it has subluxated does it? I went to a physio and orthopedic surgeon and from what they could see without measurements, my hips seemed aligned. I just don't know if it’s worth going through a pelvis MRI that I asked for if I'm not experiencing a lot of pain. After three weeks, I noticed the lower part of my left calf muscle does have a mild stretching/painful sensation when pushing off it, could that be related or could it be something else? Thanks to anyone who knows.

Use of baby oil as lubricant in the delivery of a baby...is it safe?

lying-in delivery clinics in some remote parts of the Philippines use baby oil as lubricant during baby delivery, is this a safe practice?

I was trying to sweep under the bed and a tribe of giant mutant dust mites grabbed my broom...?

they have me barricaded in my office and they're beating on the door. should I make a last stand or climb out the window?

Which is the best car to buy?

I have gone off riding scooters and am planning on buying a car (bad weather). I have been looking at Toyota yaris or corolla, hyundai getz or i20. I was thinking of adding a holden barina to the list but have been warned off them by friends. I will be buying near new and would like to know which is the best for reliability, spare parts (if it comes to that), after-sales service and best resale value. All istance would be greatly appreciated as I am not mechanically minded.

Have you ever been befudled by a parasitic, parrot-like wolf who ate cheddar cheese in the name of justice?

No, but I was bedazzled by a koala bear who carried a churro in one hand and spoke to me in French. I was going to ask him what he meant, but before I could, he was eaten by a lobster.

I Saw an Ad for "Maxoderm" Suggesting Strongly Penile Enlargement, "Male Enhancement", Peddling Magic?

Can Anyone Point me to Studies (In Reputable Journals), that this is At All Effective for What it Claims?

Michael Jordan's supporting cast compared to that of other GOAT candidates?

Nick Van Exel and Eddie Jones never won a championship, and they were only 1 time all stars and that was all in the same year.

What do you think of Andr� Villas Boas?

Personally I think he's an amazing manager and he's only 33 which is really awesome, he has already won the Portuguese Liga, undefeated and has made many records (including breaking some of Mourinho's records in Porto). He is also close to winning a treble with Porto as Porto will be in the Europa League and Portuguese cup finals, honestly I think he can easily do it. Next year it would be interesting seeing Porto in the champions league, especially if they buy new World cl players.

Who will win the AFC North this upcoming season?

Steelers as usual. How can the Bengals win when they are all in jail? The Browns will be good, but not good enough.

Defrosted ground beef?

I am defrosting about two pounds of ground beef that I had frozen a day before the expiration date. It is about half way thawed and it looks strange. Alot of the blood has drained out of it and has collected at the bottom of the ziplock bag, and the meat looks very pale. But it smells like it is ok, and it was fresh and very red when I froze it. Do you think it is safe to eat? What happened to it? Its only been frozen about a week.

Is my Chanel purse real?

Chanel bags are made of Lambskin, not leather, and it would never have a registered mark. Older Chanel bags are more often made in Italy, not Paris, so it seems likely it's fake, sorry.

I am having a super hard time with Dragon Age?

Who's in your group? And what upgrades do they have? It all depends on who you have and what abilities they posses. thats why they call it a RPG

1995 Holden/GM 304 efi V8 American equivilant?

Im in Australia and I own a Holden (subsidiary of GM) commodore with a 304 fuel injected V8, its a 1995 model but i know the same motor was used from 1990 - 1998. I ume it is some sort of Chevy block. Now i am trying to do some work on the heads and i am not getting a great selection of performance parts here in aus that are reasonably priced. So i would like to know what is the American GM equivalent motor(if it exists at all) and what cars did it come in. Hopefully then i can find a larger selection of parts to chose from. Thanks.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is anyone else freaked out about the Staph Infection epidemic?

Totally freaked.........and mad at the worl. Literally. We did this to ourselves. Antibacterial EVERYTHING on the market now. it is crazy........we kill all the weak germs and allow the strong ones to trhive. There are so many outbreaks now that I fear what will happen by the time my daughter starts school. She has only been on antibiotice one time (for a throat culture of strep) and I don't use antibacterail products in my house, except for kitchen cleanser that I ONLY use after preparing raw meat. But I dont think it matters..........MRSA is becoming as common as the cold these days and it is only going to get worse.

Drinking Style Horoscopes?

LMAO! Awesome! Now if we could only find someone who was sober enough to run a daily column. You know, Today's Happy Hour will be an 8. Look for specials on shooters and chicken wings...

Anything about Devon Werkheiser?

Yeah, I miss that show! He'll be 19 in March. He is releasing his debut album, which is expected to be released this year. He is dating Molly McCook.

Who is our brother fraternity?

I'm in Delta Phi Epsilon and we've always been told by our older sisters that Delta Kappa Epsilon is our brother fraternity according to nationals. It makes sense since we're both international organizations, are only one letter apart, and we're really close with them. I just want to make sure it's true. Correct me if we're wrong, please!! :)

How do I UNCLOG a VIRTUALLY uncloggable drain?

We have a meat plant and recently a blood bucket broke to cause the drainage pipe to clog as blood thickens as it sits. Now, the drainage part of one side of the kill floor isn't working. We've tried the electric eel and LOTS and LOTS of bleach! Since our plant is like in the middle of nowhere, a plumber charges exorbitant sums just to drive up to the facility! Do you guys know if there is some kind of extremely powerful chemical that I can use to clear the drains WITHOUT harming the pipes? Thanks!

Who does the themesong for the movie UNDERWORLD?

It is NOT on the soundtrack. I thought it was by a band called Finch, but I'm not even sure what the title of the song is, so I can't cross reference. The lead sounds female and the chorus sounds like it's repeating "Fight on, fight fight on." It was used in the commercials for both UNDERWORLD movies, but isn't on the soundtracks.

Wooden pallets trade in for cash ?

i work as a landscapers apprentice so a lot of the time we order in slabs etc, and there all delivered on wooden pallets. I also know that if the pallets are kept in good condition and are reusable you can trade them back in for money, �15 a pallet i think it is, but anyway, my question is can anyone trade in wooden pallets or do you need like a proof of ownership or anything ? that leads me on to if you need like some sort of proof of ownership can you only return them to the company who supplied you with it in the first place ? I ask this because round the back of my house someone has dumped 5 good quality wooden pallets then and rather than just leave them there or throw them away or whatever could i ring a company and get them to come and collect them and in return get some money or something ? Thanks !

Why did my gumbo go bad?

Two years ago my mother and I began making gumbo as a addition to the Thanksgiving meal. We made two types of gumbo, chicken and seafood, to satisfy all guests at dinner. Each gumbo included the roux, tomatoes, okra, onions, garlic, bayleaf, pepper, chicken and its broth, crab meat, shrimp, and crab legs. The crab legs we added to anyone's bowl who wanted some but were not in the inital pot. The gumbo turned out great and everyone wanted more. We decided we would continue the gumbo addition at Christmas and last Thanksgiving. On both of these occasions the gumbo went bad after just 24 hours. On each occasion we added the same ingredients. The crab legs became a part of the mixture considering their popularity. We made sure to refrigerate the gumbo the same night we cooked it, however, it still went bad. Was it the crablegs? Any native New Orleanians have any idea? With Thanksgiving around the corner, I really need to know.

What is the logic behind the double jeopardy rule?

Isn't it ridiculous? Especially if new evidence comes to light at a later date (especially now as we have DNA ysis etc) Thanks.

Can i use the fly wheel off a dodge 1978 360 to a 1985 318 ?

i have a 1985 318 dodge automatic and puting in place of a 360 dodge manual can i use the fly wheel from the 360 and what do i need to change?

What to do about shopping during football season...pome?

Touche! Have always been a sucker for tles, even when they lead to hles! Bedroom football...I wonder if Hank can pen a song? Fourth and long or third and short? Give me the instant replay...oh wait that's the mirrors installed! Possibilities here...bedroom football. No shopping needed, I agree! lol Love rejoinders!

Reading comprehension?

Are there any good PC programs or web sites that can help people improve there reading comprehension skills. I am talking about reading comprehension like you would find on most civil service exams. i dont do to well on these kinds of tests and want to improve my skills

Is Burnout 3 Takedown or Burnout Revenge better?

I know Revenge is knewer with more game modes and more people like it better than Burnout 3, but for some reason Burnout 3 is rated teen and burnout revenge is 10+, even though Burnout Revenge is supposed to be a little darker. Since Burnout 3 is teen does it mean that it has a lot better and realisic crashes? Which one should I get?

Im getting braces on my teeth,does any know how long do i have to wait to get the procedure done?

I just when for the consultation 2 days ago but im plainning to see other dentist for more opinions,but the dentist that i saw said that i have to go in two weeks to get some pics taken, then i have to wait a month for him to put them on! why do i have to wait so long? are others dentist going to tell me the same thing?

Guys- Help a dude out!?

Courage is the most important quality you need when trying to start a relationship. If you know you like her, just tell her.

Has political correctness gone crazy?

In the holiday season I work as a freak at the carnival. There is a minimum height requirement for my show, for reasons that I cannot disclose here. I got asked to take down a sign that said "No young children or midgets" instead of specifying the height required. Whats next? Letting midgets vote? That's not the reason I fought and died in 2 world wars I can tell you.

Where should I move?

Just graduated from university with a bachelor's in exercise science and am looking for jobs as a Physical Therapy Aide. I have lived in Atlanta, GA my entire life and would really love to branch out. I have some family in san fran/san diego and Manhattan. I am a very active 22/female who loves the outdoors and the city...I just get bored in Atlanta sometimes because of the smog/inconvenience of riding my bike on the street etc. The places I am considering are Seattle, Chicago, NYC, San Fran-Bay area, and Portland. I have applied to jobs in all and have had some feedback from seattle and nyc. Many people have recommended me to go out west because of the active lifestyle and outdoors but I have heard amazing things about Chicago...and I've been to NYC a lot. Anyways, I just cannot make a decision because I want the best of both worlds, outdoors/active culture and city....transportation is a must. I just want some recommendations for a student moving to an unknown area/city and what parts of that city because each one has job offerings in all of these places but, like Atlanta, they can be a not/so great part of town. You get my drift:)

With the spanish word Sacar a Pasear would you conjugate the first or second verb?

In spanish when you have a sentence with two verbs you always conjugate the first. Leave the second unconjugated.

How can i make my encoding on my windows dvd maker go faster?

NBC Guy is exactly correct. The only 2 choices (other than not doing anything) are get a program that transcodes faster (and is probably a lot more expensive) or get a faster computer. Video transcoding *is* a slow process.

Lector dr. dorin pocriciuc?

He was a remarcable lecturer doctor in Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers . I would like to know more about his scientific study and his life. I would like to have a picture with him.

Can you be hit with harrasment charges for making one phone call to a person to ask them why?

Nothing will happen. It's her word against theirs, and you didn't do anything wrong anyway. They are probably saying that you threatened them and called repeatedly, which is the only reason the prosecutor would be interested in this. Tell the truth to the prosecutor and forget about it. Once he talks to you he will see what is really going on.

Can you rate this team please?

Rodgers is solid at your starting QB spot. Your RB's could be good but I wouldn't take a chance on them. Slaton is still unproven and you have both Carolina backs who are going to go 50/50 this year. I do however like Darren McFadden. The Raiders have no ping game and I believe McFadden will cement himself as the starting RB over Justin Fargas. Your Wide outs are also good, but i'm not sold on Walters. I have questions on how well Schaub will perform and Walters will be competing with two very good players for catches, Andre Johnson and Owen Daniels. Your TE slot should be upgraded I would trade away DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart for both a good TE and RB. GL

Is it possible for me to drive as far as Tiger if i start taking supplements?

I am a recreational golfer who is obsessed with breaking three hundred yards.i average about 275 yards.i use pro v1x with a 400cc driver.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Can I get Bill Me Later with bad credit?

I'm 28 and I have bad credit [bc a toyota scion I had to let go, I lost my job and couldn't pay the payments and $5,000 credit card bill I have not paid and some other stuff] and I need to get a laptop for my sister it's at walmart it's a [Compaq Presario Black Satin Resin Finish 15.6" CQ56-219WM Widescreen Laptop PC with Intel Celeron 900 Processor and Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)] for $328 + tax so can I get Bill Me Later if I have bad credit? And how much do y'all think the monthly payments will be? If I can get it, thanks!

Critique my story (first page only)?

pretty confusing because it was so detailed..a little boring, there's nothing new. but that's just the beginning, if you put a little more on it would be easier to see the plot of the story...ehhh.

Who is this Sydney Crosby character?

I teach a grade 10 cl, and of late, I have been hearing constant talk about this strange man everyone's calling "Sydney Crosby", or "Sidney the Kidney". Now, while that's not cause to worry, what does trouble me is how the kids keep saying he "beat America" or "owned the US" or "shot the *uck in their face" or "bombed them out of the league". I'm not one to worry, but this is something I can't overlook. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but if there is indeed some sort of terrorist activity being conducted right under the nose of the US by this "Kidney" fellow, should I contact the authorities? Could the government of "Sydney" Australia be planning something? If this is all a mix-up, I don't want to embarr myself by making a big deal out of nothing.

Morbid attraction ?

Because all you dumb americans are glued to your TVs and you may as well kill yourselves now to save the earth's oxygen.

Why Europeans are so rude, impatient and unpolite with foreign people?

I have been to Europe more than 10 times. The sights, the monuments, the museums, all these take our breathe away. But the people in Europe seems to be in a hurry all the time. In the stores and hotels, the clerks even don't smile. Their faces seems ever being bored with something. Why they don't relax?

Slow soft very romantic songs by female artists....?

please tell me some slow soft very romantic songs of female singer of modern times.like only hope(mandy moore)...alicia keys .kelly clarkson, tylor swift , shania twain, Avril......i want modern day songs but the songs shouldnt be pop or rock genre.its should be so slow and soft jelting to the heart and really romantic.country music is ok but not much preferably reggae....plz send me some good songs............if possible give me the links too

I need help with this please!?

okay, so i am drawing on these sweatpants with paint, and i want a saying or a couple of words that mean good on the leg. i came up with dream and dare. if you could find another 'd' word that would go nice with that, please answer! if you have another short saying please answer also! i don't want live, laugh, love though. thanks!!!

List some Americans with an ideological/personality likeness to Che Guevara?

I need an American for this project, and I've been deeply interested in the life and ideals of Mr. Guevara. His lifestyle and mannerisms were extraordinary, and I'd love to find an American (from 1880 to 1950) who would provide a similar front. Any suggestions?

Any GOOD sites for a REALLY BORING person?

Youtube.com Watch movies and stuff. it ant boring. type in what you want to watch. join up its free and you can put videos on there and have a group which is free too. You will have a good time searching through all the videos.

If Jesus was God and he died, then who resurrected him?

Thanks for clicking on this question. Please use the Bible as reference if you want to prove that he is God or otherwise.

Will Air traffic control be obsolete by 2015?

I think some form of management will be in place, but it is a fact that the current airway/management system dates back to the 50's. The airways themselves are relics of the airmail routes of the 20's. The current system just cannot handle the amount of traffic currently-and no way will it be able to handle the projected increases in private/bizjet travel over the next decade. Finally, it really doesn't allow for the use of UAVs, which will also increase in the coming decades. Off my soapbox :)

How legal is To Catch a Predator?

My husband and I saw this show last night, and we had a few questions that were really bothering us. Could this show be seen as entrapment? There were never any underage people actually involved, so does that have an effect on the legality? I know these are often some pretty sick men, but something just feels wrong about the way this is handled. Plus, can Dateline legally show their identities without consent?

Help finding the name of a song? Ive got some lyrics memorized and the song definately came out b4 1997?

stuck a pin in your backbone. smoke you down from there. all I ever wanted was to be your spine. lost your friction and you slid for a mile. over done overdrive over live overide. your not the only one who let me down but thanks for offering. theres not a voice when Im not around but thanks for picking it up on the radio. ive got a magnet in my head a magnet in my head extra thick extra long the wait was wasted. and theres a chance that things will get weird. ya thats a possibility.although I didnt do anything. no i didn't do anything. all I ever wanted was to be your spine.

What does im going to give you a wet one mean?

Can someone please tell me what, "im going to give you a wet one means!" My ex-boyfriend said that and i dont want to look dum.So can someone please tell me what it means.

Filing Taxes Single Verus Married?

I currently live in Texas and I am making close to $3000 per pay check (bi weekly) with all taxes and medicare taken out. But when I asked my employer to see what my pay check will look like if I was to file single with two exemptions, they said it will be $2600 per pay check. Why is there a $400 dollar difference per pay check? Is there anything I can do to increase my take home pay? Are singles in a higher tax bracket than married people? If I file as married, I will be am filing as head of household with about 4 dependents (wife and kids).

Motorcycle knocked over, what I need to check?

often the things you need to check are simple...like the mirror, the lever and mechanism on the side that hit the ground, but apparently you were lucky to have the handlebar land in soft dirt. Basically, any levers or so on on the side that hit ground need a quick once over to see if they are bent or cracked. The other parts you already mentioned as being functional.

I am starting a business and need a name for it. Any ideas?

The business is a kind of alliance corporation delving in gold, commodities, real estate, insurance and a little bit of everything. What we do is partner people together. For example a guy in Argentina is looking to buy XYZ amount of gold we find someone who has gold. Kind of like a broker. Another example is a guy is trying to sell a new type of medicine in different countries and we introduce him to the people who owns the Hospitals in those countries/ the insurance companies. The words we'd like to use or words synonymous to are Global(worldwide, international, etc.), Partners(allies, etc.). Basically something that conveys the point that we're a worldwide company that brings people together to accomplish their end in mind. Keep in mind we're into everything so it kind of has to be a broad name that sounds affluent

Does he really like me?

Ok I've been best friends with this guy named josh for as long as i can remember; maybe since we were two (i'm 14 and he's 14 in november) and i've had a crush on him for years. we used to see each other like twice a week and i'd always go to his house every week to play. now that we're older it's not a crush anymore, its more than that. and after my dad had his "mid life crisis" we stopped going to their house and we stopped going to church (where i always saw him; we go to different schools) then last easter we went to church and celebrated with them and ive made my mom tak me to church ever since; partly cuz i miss it and partly cuz i miss him so much. but i have no clue if he likes me. idk what to really look for. i could probably tell him anything; we're that close. but the problem is im way too shy to do anything. the things i've noticed him do are he looks straight into my eyes; i see him looking at me and he smiles; when we were at easter he kinda went out of his way of playing basketbal w/ his dad to say bye to me, and just me no t my parents or anything. he did that at church too. it was raining and we dropped them off at their car and while he waited for his mom he said bye twice. and i dream about him pretty constantly. i really wish i could know what he was thinking becuz if i wait for him to ask me and he's too shy or smething, im afraid he'll find someone else and i can't see me w/ anyone but him. i havent seen him for almost 3 weeks cuz we both hav been on vacation and its killing me. i just hav no clue what to do, but i need to know what he's thinking and what to look for sign wise. please help. i cant keep wondering everyday. please and thank u! (I MISS HIM)

How do i get into clical music?

If you wanna learn more about clical then you're already getting into it. Just listen to more of their music and download the tabs for them

Rock and Roll Lullaby

I asked this question before but I don't think I provided enough information. It about a singer and he travels the country singing and he take his baby with him. The baby's name is lil Joe and the song is about raising little Joe on the road . The song was recorded in the Sixties or seventies.

A W-2 from a place you've never worked???

Can a person mistakenly receive a W-2, apparently having never worked at that particular business? And yet, still have your name, address, and social security number all correct on the form? Is this AT ALL POSSIBLE???


Hey, this happens a lot especially when there is a lot at stake for you, like family. You tend to over think issues because you are afraid to make mistakes, secondly there could be a lot of pressures you are facing in your life that seem to make your confidence diminish because to a large extent, indecisiveness is a sign of insecurity. Fear to make mistakes is also a sign of insecurity. So all in all, how is your self-confidence? Do some introspection and see what is working on your self esteem.

Chrstians, what do you think the "joy" of the Lord is?

The Bible says we have righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. But what is the JOY in the Holy Spirit?

I am SOOO confused!!!! plz help!!?

theres this guy that im just startin 2 like or at leest i think so... well point is he has a gf and my bff likes him so shuld i go 4 him or just forget about him and if u think i shuld go 4 him plz tell me how!! any advice wuld b GREATLY appreciated!! thanx in advance!!

Where can i buy uv light that contain UVa and UVb for my green iguana in malaysia??

i need to buy the uv light for my green iguana..but i can find it..i went to fish shop but they told me that they din sell that..so where i can find it in malaysia??

Do you laugh hysterically when Super Mario dies?

like in the original..........doo doo do do doo.......(and then he jumps in the air facing you with his palms up).............its just the silliest death ever.......

Save my sausage please!?

Hheeeeeeeeyyyyy! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh My God! That was rip-roaringly funny! I just loved the punch line! LMAO!!!.

Question about Colorado women?

Why do women in Colorado act like they are so special (read: stuck up and unfriendly) and like they are too good to talk to guys that they don't know from high school. Its really weird. I live in Colorado Springs, CO, go to the community college here, and the young women here act so stuck up, snooty, and unapproachable that its not even remotely funny. I am moving to Austin, TX for this very reason because I know that I will actually find a chance of finding and meeting a girlfriend because females are down to earth down there unlike the backwards women here in this state. Even though this is a very beautiful state, I cannot wait to leave because its not worth it for me in terms of being alone and always dateless because of these shallow individuals that live here. BTW, I'm not another Texan living in Colorado, I'm actually a TN native just in case you were wondering. I have honestly (this is no lie) had women look at me with a "go to ****" look and look at me as if i've grown a third eye or something when I have tried to be cordial with them.

Mozilla Firefox keeps on crashing after longpireods of time, process still runing in background, cannot stop?

I've heard people are having problems with Firefox 3. If you recently upgraded, you could try going back to the earlier version and see if that fixes it.

...Looking for a Relative that died in WWI...?

I have membership to ancestry.com global collection I pay on a monthly basis I couldn't afford to pay out a big amount of money for the use of the website. If you would like to email me with your uncles details I will do the search for you and if I find him I will email you my search results, mamsgel1956@yahoo.co.uk hope to hear from you soon, if you would like me to do the search please give a smuch information as you can.

How do i make a costume of alex from clockwork orange?

I want to have the option to wear a mask or no mask and i want it to be as close to the real thing as possible.

History help, best answer is promised!?

Learning how to learn is a gift. Asking others to do your tasks for you will deny you one of the most important lessons in life.

I think i was wrongfully terminated from my job?

Find you a good lawyer and sue the crap out of her!! What a terrible person she is!! She shouldn't be allowed to get away with what she did to you! What she did is so against the law!! You shouldn't have signed anything! Especially when you know you did nothing wrong! I wish you all the luck in the world with this!

Defendant's Objection to trial exhibits?

A person who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. This includes you. If you think this is the place you should come for help, you are so far out of your depth that you are going to be crushed. Get a real attorney and do it now.

Has your baby ever had this?

I am feeding my 12 week old baby boy and he seems to be ping is bowels regularly and they they look regular (he doesn't seem to be constipated). However, he really struggles to go to the bathroom and often squirms and cries (sometime hysterically) when he can't get it out right away. Sometimes when he is eating he starts to poop and will cry and not eat until it pes. I told the Doc about this at his last visit and he said that he will grow out of it he is just learning how to use the bathroom, but it seems to be getting worse. I also noticed a red ring around his area when I change him and it is not a diaper rash. Is this normal? Has any one experienced this with their baby and what did you do to help it out. I feel really bad that he is suffering and I don't know what to do

Help with a last name to a girl in my book?

Her name is Fran,and i want to come up with a last name for her,but i cant think of anything,and its set back in time,but kinda still with flying ships and some advanced tech, its about the same as final fantasy eras.

Why does she keep doing this?

I was with this girl for 4 months and I always thought we were a pretty happy couple. Then one day she just broke up with me. I was devastated, but a year has ped, and I'm over it. I'd like to have our friendship back though. So, I texted her, just trying to start conversation, and said "Hey! Have you seen the new "______" and she said yeah and we texted for a little bit, then we both went to bed. The next day, she texted me again, and we talked continuously throughout the day. I hate to just stop texting people because I hate it when people do it to me, so I just try to break the conversation by texting back "ok" or something like that, but she keeps texting me. Why is she doing this? What does it mean? Thanks.

Movie "Bull Durham", I need song title info from that movie!?

Toward the end of the movie, "Nuke LaLouche" is being interviewed by a shapely female sports reporter and he spouts off the cliches that "Crash Davis"(Kevin Costner) has tought him and then he interupts and says to her "Rayann, huh? That's real pretty. There a song famous song by Motly Crue that goes "Rayanne, she's a stayan', you ever.... no well" Then he goes on with another cliche. Does anyone know what the actual title is of that Motly Crue song is?

I spy spooky manison wii,where is the cork?

i am playing i spy spooky mansion for the wii and im on the last part and i cant find the cork where is it hidden??? someone please help me.

Occasional Upper Abdominal Pain?

Recently, I have been getting pain in my upper abdominal area just below my rib cage on both sides. I think it hurts a little more on my right side. It only happens occasionally (I can recall it hapening about 5 times within a year?)... but this week, I've had it happen 3 times (2 times were really bad). I haven't been eating anything bad or really fatty this week and don't have any medical conditions that I am aware of. Could this be something to do with my gall bladder? The pain starts off not too bad and then gets worse for about an hour and then will stay constant for a while. It normally happens at night around dinner time but when I wake up, the pain is gone. I feel like I have to stick out my stomach when it happens because it hurts but when I am standing I have to use my arm to keep it in just under my ribs to stop the pain. When I sit, I keep my knees up to my chest to stop the pain. And it doesn't have anything to do with having to go to the washroom. Any ideas?

How can l store sushi at high school?

l'll be starting high school on sep. 7th, and l was wondering how could l keep my sushi lunch cold until 4th period, lunch. the whole school is chilly, but would it be enough to keep my lunch fresh or safe to eat?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I came to a sudden eerie realization last night...?

I was laying awake in bed and I was doing the usual philosophical pondering. I asked myself if it is possible to have more than one consciousness in the same body. Then I realized what if my subconscious has is it's own sovereignty. If I don't control it who does?

How do i access my router's ip address?

i have a linksys router. model is BEFSR41, and when i type in into my url in IE, i get a login thing. i tried typing in ID:admin and no pword, the login comes up again. i tried no ID, and pword :admin, still nothing. i tried typing admin into both, and i got to an "authorization" page o.o" help plz?

Why Wasn't King David Killed for his Adultery and Why was his innocent child Killed?

There is a difference between the words "shall" and "will". I shall (most likely) be back. I will (absolutely) be back. David realizes (has guilt) of what he has done.

After Gall Bladder Surgery...?

I had my gall bladder out in April of 2006 and sometimes I have pain similar to a gall bladder attack now. Does anyone know what might be or why this is happening?

Does anybody remember Frankie Avalon and Annette Funacello?

Didn't you just love those old "Beach Blanket Bingo" etc. movies....and "The Finger"? LOL

Does a candidate's religion matter if it is a politically-motivated "religion"?

A candidate's religion doesn't matter full stop. When will people realise it is the policies that matter, not what church a guy attends.

Radio Disc Jockey!!!!?

A good voice, the desire to work hard to achieve success, the ability to go to stations and persist until you can get in on the ground floor doing whatever you can and then work your way up. At the 6 stations where I am CHief engineer, if you walk in off the street and tell them you want to be a DJ, they'll ask for experience. Our receptionist worked nights and weekends wherever she could get a chance to get on the air and is now going full time on one of our stations and we are a top station in a top 30 Market.

Question about Guitar Harmonics?

No. A pinch harmonic is a slang term for an artificial harmonic. These are produced when the thumb of the picking hand strikes the string immediately after the pick does. You can create a natural harmonic by lightly tapping a note exactly 12 frets higher than any given note. You can create a "pinch" harmonic at almost any point along the distance of a string by moving the point that you pick the note and "dig in" with the thumb up and down the length of the string. Certain points will ring out with more clarity than others, depending on the strength of the harmonic "node".

Can a horse have impulsion without being in a frame?

I know that impulsion is achieved with rhythm, relaxation,suppleness and straightness and that impulsion is only true at the trot and canter but does your horse have to be in a frame...why or why not?

C++ sound and music.?

I'm currently writing a basic C++ game where the user commands a tank and shoots objects in the console. I want to add music to the game (any kind of sound file-midi, wav, mp3, etc). Does anyone know how I can do this or any links that explain how to add music to C++ programs? thanks

How can i cause menopause?

Now that you're 30, you'll be more likely to find someone to do the surgery. Be persistent and see more doctors.

My freinds disbanded the band without me?

Me and my friends were starting a band, it had 7 "members" and our flutist and our bist were dating, our trumpet player and the girl who was in charge of baby siting the bist son were dating and one of the tenor saxophonist was dating this kid who wasn't affiliated with the band (but is really close to all the members) Anyways all couples mentioned broke up. All that means is no bist and no babysitter for the bist really, All these break ups happened while I was at my dads house and had no access to a computer and so I logged on facebook and the clarinetist had posted "I guess the band is over" and the flutist commented that it was over even before it started. And Im super pissed right now because Im the one who started the band!!!! And who cares if we have no bist? We weren't going to have one in the first place. The only reason he joined was because of his GF!!! I WANT to be sympathetic of my Friends, but I can't, no one bothered to call me or message me or anything. What do I do?

How much should a 2 bedroom house in Portland Oregon cost?

When you add a room mate you're actually breaking your lease, because she has leased the home to you and you only. When you add a room mate, she is starting the contract over and she can change it to whatever she wants. Yes, she may or may not be over charging you for what you are recieving, however once you sign it, you're agreeing to the terms. Get your newspaper and see if there are any comparables to what you have now. if you find something better move. I highly doubt your landlord will agree and lower the price.

Sims 2 custom content browser!!! i need help!?

ok on the sims 2 game i click the custom content broweser and it says no intranet detection!! i have intrenet connection but it wont pick it up!! please help!

How do i convince my mom to let me go out tonite?

im 15 and i missed school today. my mom has always heavily enforced not going anywhere on sick days. but i feel fine now and i am supposed to go t the movies with thi girl i like. what should i do or say to change her mind?

What do you think made, Roger Revelle (Al Gore's global warming professor) decide he was wrong about it?

Maybe he finally saw the damage that was being done economically by the global warming hoax not to mention the political damage. As one gets older and faces their mortality, it becomes important to "clean up your act" before one meets their maker.

Can teacher make a copy of computer program to help students with learning?

On behalf of an institution for distribution to a student or to a group of students could a teacher or a lecturer make a copy of a computer program to help them with learning?

Im 14 and im wondering how do i respect my mom?

she says she has tought me all t rules nd stuff but i dnt remember many only t 'dnt answer baq' one... anyway my i'm the youngest of three... 1st- great daughter 2,3 always get compared to (___ can do it why cnt u... where di i go wrong with u 2) 2nd- the worst daughter really rebelious nd crazy witch quite frankly made me a lil reabelious and crazy 3rd-me

Worst trade ever made...?

Lou Brock for Ernie Borgilo and 2 minor league players has always haunted the Cubs...and night resigning Maddux when he left the first time for only a differnce of 50 grand

Should i be worried that we won't ever get married?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and a half. He used to always tell me that he wanted to marry me, he told his friends one night that he was never the type to want to get married until he met me, etc. Recently, he told me he's not sure if he wants to get married. He's about to move out (into his own apartment, he lives with his parents right now, we don't live together), start his new stressful career as a police office. Could he be having second thoughts because of some of the big changes that are about to happen in his life? He said that its nothing I've ever done to him that has made him reconsider marriage because he loves and cares about me more than anyone he has ever been with but that its just not on his mind right now. I love him and want to marry him eventually but i'm worried that his changed mind will be changed forever. Could all of his marriage "fear" just be caused by his new job and new worries/stress he's about to face and the big changes he's about to go through?

Looking to approach a girl ?

What's the best way I can approach this girl.I wanna ask her out.but my problem is I don't wanna just show up at her doorstep looking dumb.by the way I notice her when my brothers dogs ran away too her house an we met.she's not married lives alone but dnt knw if she got a bf.what's the best way I can handle it.wanna try asking for friendship atleast

Why do people who were raised with their religion act like they discovered a unique miracle?

You do not know everything their is to know about everyone on the face of the planet im sure sometimes you ume things about people whom you have not walked in their shoes either.

Is CHE the film in English or Spanish?

Going to buy the DVD,s for Xmas the one with DelToro in it are these available in English speaking or are they all in Spanish with English subtitles ?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Running blister help needed....?

Used to happen to me when I was in school, you need to let it heal or it'll just keep ripping open again, try aloe and different medications. I used to get mine because of payless shoes would be made from rubber and wouldnt fit right, not that we were poor but I was very active and would burn through shoes every month and a half. Try ordering better shoes like the nike freestyle from online, they ship in 3 days, tim eneough to heal and your run so much smoother

Is Fred Phelps a Christian?

Are Fred Phelps and the people who follow him Christians? If you read his churches's FAQ you will see that he is saying all the same things that the Evangelicals are saying but in a much louder way. If he just smiled and talked in a lower voice he would be your everyday evangelical.

Why do hot girls go for the crazy drug, party , failing in school, rude, etc guy?

why don't they go for the smart guy that has a average of a 95% and the captian of the bball and track team. Don't they realise these kind of guys will have a bright future like doctor lawyer or even CEO.

Democrats unlikely to repeal bush tax cuts... but but obama is good and bush is mean and greedy! what is going?

on here i am so confused!! some libertarians told me that the democrats and republicans are basically the same party but they didnt trick me.... there has got to be some other explanation here!! help!!!!

How do you correct bad behaviour on a small dog?

How do you correct bad behaviour that was taught since they were a baby? Ie I got a dog last week she thinks its ok to use my home for a toilet, she jumps up and doesn't have a clue how to walk on a leash (I wasn't aware that she didn't know where to go pee and poo untile we got her from a byb) as for the pee and pooh i have tried EVERYTHING (i let her out every half hour, I walk her, I crate her they (the breeders) taught her to pee on pee paids but she wont poop on it! Im at my wits end I know she is "ajadjustingto her new home but im worried that she has now learnt to pee and poo in the house! I am dedesperateor some ideas as to how to correct these bebehavioursshe is a min pipincherCan older dogs be taught the right behaviour?

What is name of the movie?

Its a eurpoean film, maybe 20 yrs old. English spoken. Period piece - 1800s maybe. A wealthy man pays a young peasant woman to bear his child. They do not kno each other. He takes the child and raises as his heir. The woman becomes a governess and lives n deep regret for giving up her child. Fate brings her to be the governess of her own child. The man falls for her, they discover that fate has brot them together. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS MOVIE????

XBOX 360: where do i buy this storage device ( picture )?

You can buy an xbox 360 hard drive from anywhere. Wal-Mart, Target, Bestbuy, ebgames, gamestop, amazon, ebay. There are several different sizes 20gb, 60gb, 120gb and 250gb. The link has a list of all of them so you can see how much they cost and decide which one you want that way.

Can you help me chose a phone?

Get Motorola Droid 2 Global or Samsung Nexus S or wait for the Motorola Atrix 4G with dual-core processor to release in March. You won't have to spend $750 on these phones. If you need any android smartphones cheaper without contract / unlocked, you can mail me to manchurianp@yahoo.com

What was the whole story?

Ok, well i remember watching the 2008 Coke 400 on tv at Daytona in July. Well my guys are Jeff and Bobby ... i know labonte got caught up in a wreck. And then -- Gordon restarted 2nd in front of Carl Edwards and behind Kyle Busch with two lap to go. Going out of the tri-oval Gordon went inside to try and block carl edwards. When Gordon spun out, did he just dip to far inside, or did it look intentional on edwards part?

What was the date when...?

Andrew Brunette(formerly of the Minnesota Wild) scored the game winning goal in game 7 against the Colorado Avalanche and Patrick Roy.

Lil Wayne's "Drought 4"?

I don't know if any one else has listened to his new CD but its hard and i can't stop listening to it......Weezy is the best rapper alive

Why can't women join the masons without a husband?

Everything I have read up to know make it very clear that this is a fraternity and do not allow women in it unless they are married. Why is that? and am I wrong for thinking that?

Why do Republican subsidize companies to ship jobs overseas? We gained 2 million but 1.4 million went overseas?

Democrats introduced bills to remedy the loophole but it was blocked by Republicans. I wonder if Fox News reported that or the fact that this last year 2 million jobs were created but 1.4 million went to other countries according to the Bipartisan OMB. So are Republicans wasting our tax dollars? It is one thing to have a company outsource but Republicans allowing them a tax break to do so is "Voodoo Economics". Are they unethical when it comes to business and why won't they eliminate the tax incentive to outsource jobs. Companies could still do it but we wouldf not be giving them a tax break to do so. Is there any Republican willing to give an honest answer on this tax loopholer and why Republicans blocked it? As owner of a company here with over 100 employees, it doesnt fit my situation but if it did I too would outsource if given a tax break as it makes for good bottom line. You cannot blame business, this law falls upon the feet of Republicans who blocked it from repeal.

How am i going to save brand new jeans?

i changed clothes after a paint project and promptly kneeled in a paint blob in that room, figures huh! can i get it out, or are they my very good painting pants now. please help!

Jewish Controlled Media?

And what does this have to do with jews and the media? Sorry I didn't take my racist crazy pill this morning so I can't see whatever it is you're trying to prove.


ok, so i am currently 13 days late for AF. i have takin many hpts and all neg....my symptoms are fatigue, cramping,nasious, frequent urination, and alot of discharge. i get more symptoms every day! i feel like i am pregnant but i keep getting neg test results! so i went to the doc today to get a blood test done. she tested my pee and it was neg, but then told me that i should wait onte blood test, she said if i got pos blood test today that my pee should be pos in couple of days. then she just told me that if i didnt get my peiod in a couple of months to come back in! she even tried to get me to take sme pill that is supposed to help me have a period!! i dont need that! ihave normal 30 day cycle and if i am ever late, it i only a day or two, not 13! so should i go to a different doc? i dont know what else to do!!

Are people getting dumber or lazier?

i'm writing an editorial and i've encountered a writer's block... so i was wondering if any of you guys had some fresh ideas to run with? I personally think that we are getting lazier, but i'm open to ideas that reflect the counter-argument. thanks in advance, you guys always have fabulous answers!

How can I easily mend the loneliness I am feeling right now due to the demise of my beloved father?

He died 15 days ago at the age of 78. He's a superloving father, very supportive and a model of humility and true service not only to his family but also to his fellowmen.

Troubled teenager :|?

Masturbating is fine and als healthy for you because it relieves stress. The pimple could be anything have u had . If it doesnt go away in week go to a doctor cuz it could be sumthing serious i see no problems tho but im not a doctor

What is the BESTTTTTTT book for CCNA?

I believe the best resource isn't a book. I actually like Testout in conjunction with a book. Testout gives you hands on experience. If you are a student, you can buy it for $89. You need to call Testout though to get that discount.

Who is currently rory's boyfriend in gilmore girls? what happen to dean and jess?

dean is a good guy and i stop watching the series after rory broke up with him and choose jess instead. so stupid. and then why she left jess?

Such a thing as a lower-back tattoo that's NOT a tramp stamp?

If you get a tattoo that isn't symmetrical, tribal, a erfly, flowers, a stupid cliche, gangsta, your name, someone else's name, or a cartoon character, then yeah, you should be fine.

What does it mean if after a workout you get dizziness, breathing difficulties, double vision & pins & needles?

Hi, I am a Personal Trainer and my friend has just text me saying that he was at the gym for a workout and after he said he went dizzy, had double vision, his throat tightened up and was gasping for breath, and had excruciating pins and needles in his arms and legs that were making his fists clench. What might this be? He carries out the correct breathing technique upon execution of each repetition. I dont have the knowledge to answer this question so I wonder if you might help? Kind regards, Paul

Clausen or Sharpley?

who should satart for the irish against usc? I think sharpley should because he actually has thrown touchdowns. Im sue clausen wil get bettter though

Does anyone have any of the kids vacuum cleaners?

i am trying to decide which toddler vacuum cleaner to get my daughter for christmas. i've been reading reviews and still can't decide. we have a dyson which we *love* but the childs dyson has the worst reviews of all, it seems. does anyone have the kids dyson, hoover, dirt devil... or any of the other ones? i really just want the one that actually works the best. we have 4 dogs and my 2 y/o actually will go around with our handheld and go straight for dog hair to 'clean up.' i'd like to get her up off her knees and be able to do the 'push and pull' with a real vacuum like mommy and daddy do since that's what she really wants... plus using the dustbuster has her hands closer to the brushes than i'd like.

Trish stratus fans??

Um good for you I feel nothing at all about it. You should go meet her if you're a fan I definitely would want to meet her if I could.

Born in Canada, Raised in America. I feel so rootless?

I was born in Canada to American parents and left for the states at just a year old. But due to bad experiences growing up in Texas, I find it extremely difficult to define myself as American, much less Texan. I just feel like I'm not american, despite the fact that everything but my birth certificate says I'm american. What is wrong with me? Is it wrong that I define myself as Canadian when really I'm not a Canadian at all?

After a muslim wedding brides often ?

I am muslim but to be honest I wasn't aware that this still happens. I don't think it's as common as perhaps it used to be. Certainly in the UK I don't think it happens so much, I might be wrong. Nevertheless the answer to your question is not straight forward. What happens at that point very much depends on each couple. The couple may wish to just talk, or sleep, or engage in ual relations. It depends on the 2 people. There is no set rule about what happens. It is commonly the ideal that the couple consummate their marriage, but this is by no means what has to happen.

Does this story summary sound like Narnia?

Sounds a wee bit too similar aye. If it's yours I would change the plot especially regarding the beginning at the portal world.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do you want Allen Iverson on your favorite team?

I wouldn't because my team is the Orlando Magic & I feel they don't need to mortgage their future for a diva like Iverson.

Can anyone explain why Michigan and Florida need to re-vote?

I keep hearing about this in the news - something to do with their delegates to the Democratic convention. What's the story and who is behind it? In simple terms please!

Free file converter?

for my video editing software music files need to be .wma .mp3 or .wav. i used windows media player to convert to .wma but they still don't seem to be working. any ideas why? copyright? so i need a free file converter if any of you guys know of one. thks.

Mozart's Les Mariages Samnites score?

Anyone has Mozart's Les Mariages Samnites score? I need it urgently for my ignment. Please help. Thank You.

Whats the best route to go if driving from Glasgow to London,?

motorways all the way or A1 for most of it from Scotch corner.advice from people who have done this journey apppreciated

Who do you think is going to win the epl 2012?

I personally think it is very hard as lots of teams are looking good at the moment , however some teams stand out from the rest. Manchester united obviously have got a great chance as they are the champions at the moment , they are refreshing there squad(getting rid of all the old guys) and have had a great start to pre season. Chelsea on the other hand are going very strong but I think they need to follow man u and refresh as malouda, lampard drogba ect. are all getting old. But with they're new manager good things could be over the horizon for the blues. Arsenal may have a chance this season if they hold onto they're key players and I feel they have got a great deal on gervinho who scored they're 2 goals when they won 2-1. As for my team Newcastle Im am hoping for top 12 and a fa/league cup run :)

Which wrestler was a fisherman?

There are some wrestling moves with names like Fisherman Suplex, Fisherman DDT and Fisherman Buster. Why "fisherman"?

What Are The Best Left Hook KO's in Boxing History?

Sugar Ray Robinson knocking out Gene Fullmer was awesome. Gene was hit by a picture perfect left hook and did not know were he was even after returning to the locker room. Also Gene Fullmer had a jaw of granite so for him to be knocked out like that it had to be a perfect punch.

What does 'Total exemption full" mean next to a company name on webcheck?

Total exemption means that they are qualified to trade as a "small company" and therefore they do not have to have their accounts audited each year. When the word "full" is added it means that full accounts have been filed.

Harley davidson BICYCLE question?

all terrain 24" mountain bike, with front disc brake. some guy offered it to me for 150 bucks is this a good deal?

How do you determine the frequency of a wave of a string with one end attached to a weight in water?

In a laboratory experiment, one end of a horizontal string is tied to a support while the other end pes over a frictionless pulley and is tied to a 3.0 kg sphere. Students determine the frequencies of standing waves on the horizontal segment of the string, then they raise a beaker of water until the hanging 3.0 kg sphere is completely submerged. The frequency of the fifth harmonic with the sphere submerged exactly matches the frequency of the third harmonic before the sphere was submerged. What is the diameter of the sphere?

Once a Municipal Bond gets liquidated, does it become taxable?

Also are there any penalty fees if the bond is prematurely liquidated, and roughly what amount per value?

Multi-Focal Contact Lens help needed!?

Hi there - I am using Multi Focal contact lenses - trying to determine how to get the best possible NEAR vision.. uming I just use my left eye (since I have mono vision), if I have a stronger "distance" rx, does that take away from the "high add" that I am given? So, would an rx of +.50 with a high add (for near/reading) take some of the "near" vision away, and therefore an rx of +.25 with a high add be BETTER for the near/reading part? My goal is to have the best NEAR/READING vision than I can have, as I wear my gles for driving and other times I need distance istance. Thank you in advance for all of your help.


so i new my girl for 4 years. basically been together since then. but it was long distance. and we were completly in love. we always had a date that is coming up when we the distance between us would close and we would finally be together. but on the fourth year, which was earlier this year, she ****** around and cheated. my heart dropped cuz she was pregnant by that guy. i was heated. and torn at the same time, me n her were so close, and then she changed and did that. so when i found out she begged me not to leave her and even got an abortion just to show that she made a horrible mistake and wanted to stay with me. ok, so days and weeks go on and she seems like shes real commited to try and make this work again, but then she cheated again, then even gets a whole nother relationship on the side. i was like omg wtf! but it was long distance and i saw her when i could, but these guys lived close to her so they had me beat on that. so eventually in june she got a bf. an they been together ever since. i never really left the picture i been hittn her up periodically sayn that i love her an tryna talk with her. but she didnt really want to hear it out. there would be some times were she would here it out, but for the most part it fell on def ears. so about a month and a half ago i send her a text saying that im going to let her go and not be in her life anymore. she texted me back and wrote just no that i will always miss and love you. so time goes on, and she actually starts calling me, but i ignore her calls. i ignored all contact. she still has her boyfriend during the calls btw. she called for about a month, and ignored them all. then i bought her a christmas present and sent it to her. she called me when she got it, but i didnt answer. i could tell she was missing me like crazy. so then i finally picked up, and she was basically telling me that she misses me, and asking me what if i want you back and all that stuff. but i new that i couldnt do anything because it would still be long distance and she still has that boyfriend. they break up and get back together almost every week btw. she cried to me sayn that she never should have done wat she did to me, and that if she was actually here with me then it would have never happened. an saying that she loves me. then i told her i have a girlfriend. (when i really dont) and she couldnt believe it. an basically said that she would wait forever for me. so then a two weeks go by, weve spoken a few times during the 2 weeks. she called me yesterday saying that her and her boyfriend broke up. i asked her if she loves me and she said yea. but then today her an her boyfriend got back together because he knows that im talking to her again an hes feeling threatened. the problem is that i want her back. and everything i have done is a plan to get her back and marry her. i no she did stupid **** before and a part of me wants to crack her head. but the other part is just so inlove with her. just like i no she still loves me. but i cant tell her i want her back just yet cuz the distance would just kill everything again. iwas going to go to her and tell her on her bday which is in march. i no she would be excited if she saw me show up, an i would ask her to marry me to put an end to this mess. because this summer coming up is basically the time we had set to actually be together. but i no shes still with this guy, and i dont want her to get to attatched to him, to the point were im not anything to her anymore. waiting for march feels so long. its 9 weeks from now. idk if i should go tel her before that or stick to march. because if i stick to march then its only another 8 weeks before were going to be together. but i just dont want her to attacthed to him. i mean she says she loves him and all that ****. but. i love her. and you only live once. and i want her to be mine. like we have planned for 4 years. this is the time we had set so ima go for it. i hope i dont fall on my face. waiting for march hurts alot. should i go before march or no? if i go befor march itll go back to long distance for another few weeks tho...help!

How do you freeze and defrost sugar cookies?

They wont go soggy if the bag is airtight.The thing that causes sogginess is the freezer moisture getting into the bag and forming ice crystals on them, which makes them wet when they are defrosted..

Need a half way decent Stratocaster guitar?

I have heard that Squire makes some decent Stratocasters. I am not sure if there are other brands. I really can't afford a Fender Strat and I am looking for something that I can hack around with. I want something new and under $500. I am trying to get a Hendrix or early Brothers sound or Eric Clapton on the Strat.

Be a Football Player?

that link is really screwed up, nothing but pop ups heres the right link, and that game is freakin awesome by the way. the link :

Omg i am listening to lasers by lupe fiasco...?

my ears are having a spasm this is the best $h!t i have ever heard in my life every single song on here is amazing

Is the drug and narcotics trade in America Government regulated?

Yes, heavily. The FDA regulates the pharmaceutical side, and the DEA, FBI and local governments regulate the steet-side. There's even a tax-stamp structure in most states, where people are supposed to pay revenues on their unlawful narcotic substances.

Here's another one about Paddy?

Its the way you tell them GB. Very good it reminds me of two millionaires possibly billionaires and neither of them can read or write. True story.

Did anyone actually believe that phone-in competitions were genuine?

Come on... how gullible can you be? These lines cost up to �1/minute and rely on as many people phoning in as possible to make money.

Looking for any one who truely knows about the paranormal concerning a child who sees dead people?

Your child defiantly has a gift of seeing spirits,it's often said that spirits will show themselves to younger children,I have read and seen some paranormal shows that have had the very thing happen in their families,one case in particular was on Paranormal State which I often watch,and the paranormal investigators on this one case were dealing with a young boy that was witnessing another child that died in the back yard and was appearing to him and the researchers did just what you did,they found a photo of a family and showed it to this young boy and picked out the boy that was appearing to him right off the bat.What they ended up doing was to call a priest to come in and bless the home.Some people are just more perceptive and more in tune with the spiritual world.They had even had a psychologist visit and speak with the boy and he determined that nothing was mentally wrong and that the boy didn't have an over active imagination as well.I am a believer in this phenomena because I have had several experiences dealing with paranormal activity over my life time and I am an adult,I'm 53 years old.You have done all the right things as far as the research and having a paranormal team come in,I was glad to see your note to Eri as she is always in this section and doesn't believe in this phenomena,I have even asked her to move on to a different section if she doesn't believe in this phenomena,she only looks at it from what she calls a scientists view,she has never experienced any activity and until she does I just feel that it's best that she doesn't try and give her input regarding this phenomena.Any way getting back to your situation,I think if I were in your shoes I would sit my son down and explain to him that the has a god given gift and not to be afraid of it.As your last resort to settle down activity I would suggest that you call in a priest and have them bless the home,some people claim that they can calm down activity by also burning sage to cleanse the home,this may be a couple of options for you.I really enjoyed reading your post and I thank you for posting this,I find this subject very fascinating and I wish you the best of luck,if you do consider doing any of these things, please come back to this section and post any results.

What is Palin's rationale?

You have demonstrated not once, but several that you do not know what you're talking about in the course of this dibble, it is all tied together and if we display weakness, a lack of resolve and determination to defend not only ourselves, but our allies as well then we invite attack. Appeasement leads directly to war, not away from it, you apparently learned nothing about World War Two if you didn't learn this very important lesson.

Is it possible to be a prostitute and be a good Catholic?

I recently broke up with a woman who is a prostitute. It seems contradictory to me that she is also a devout Catholic. I guess she must give good confession.

I saved a WMV video how do i get a smv file of it ?

I just downloaded and used a wmv to avi converter. Maybe you should Google "wmv to smv converter"

Error made on pretax medical premiums for 2007 can I get W2 corrected?

I work part time and have paid 50% of my medical premiums for the past 8 years, which has always been pretaxed. For 2007, evidentally the payroll clerk did not recieve my form to pretax my medical premiums, although I know that I signed it and turned it in. I did not know this until I recieved my W2 today. This resulted in my medical premiums being taxed. My income level is low enough that only a meager amount, if any, of my income is taxable, but this error has caused a reduction in the amount of my Earned Income Credit by about $600, since my taxable income is higher. Can payroll correct this for me and issue me a new W2 for 2007? Mistakes happen, papers get lost...don't know who to blame for this, but am upset that I'm losing money because of this error. I'm a single mom and every bit helps! This error caused me to be taxed higher all year long on withholding taxes, so I feel it can be easily reversed....can anyone help? Thanks!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Odd question about the sun !?

you grow up learning "if you stare at the sun you will go BLIND !!!" . I imagine it would happen but how long will it take and what kind of process does your eye;s go through to achieve blindness?

Can I claim my grandmother?

I think you can claim your grandmother. A friend at work was just telling me the other day that her mother does that with her grandmother.

Having trouble trying to get the in me?

When me and my partner are trying to have its hard to sometimes get his in me. Is there something i can do ? we have treid lubricants, we have and everything its just like it wont go in sometimes , without being in pain..

I need a raise. How to know if you deserve it?

Just try talking to him and be honest. Maybe he doesn't know how you feel and would be willing to keep you around if you talk to him. You never know until you speak up. I would talk to him in person.

Do you feel uplifted when you get a thumbs down?

Yeah, I know most people might hate getting a thumbs down, but me personally, I don't care one way or another. Usually they are for everyone who answered before the person who gave the thumbs down. So as a POLL, do you feel a twing of power when you get that thumbs down?

Should i do this fantasy hockey trade?

id do it, shea weber is one of the most valuable d-man and looking at your d, its bad for fantasy points. plus you have louongo and nabby, what is fleury worth to you, thats exactly what he should be trade bait.

What do you think of my name list ?

The only ones I like are Emma, Harry, and Jack. Nothing wrong with the two middle names, but most of yours are abhorrent. Caden has GOT to go, but the rest are good! The names do not flow trippingly from the tongue, you need that.

[3]LSU vs [17]ALABAMA. what do you think will happen?

I think Saban hammers LSU. He is a better coach than just about anyone out there, loyal or not. When he wants to beat a team(think OSU in 1998) he can pull out a win, whether or not he has the best talent. I think Tennesee is a terrible team, and the win wasn't that impressive, but I think it shows that Alabama is gearing up for the game against LSU.

SEO: How To Find .Edu web directories with unique content?

I've tried searching Google, Yahoo, MSN and Alexa. How do I find .edu web directories with content? NOT those with spam, hidden text or links but rather rank well cause of content.

I need help planning an Orlando vacation.?

You didn't say if you were interested in Disney resorts. All "Deluxe" Disney hotels have either 2 queens or 1 king. The Contemporary starts at $280/night and is on the monorail. The Yacht and Beach club resorts start at $335/night, are more centrally located, and have a spa. All deluxe resorts have great pools. With Disney resorts you get transportation to and from the airport as well as the parks. They will even take care of your bags for you. You check them at the airport, when you arrive in Orlando, you go to the bus. Disney will get your bags and bring them to your room. Best service of any vacation. I love it.

Has Aion changed since November?

I was wondering if Aion has changed. You know, if they added more quests, made leveling more fun, there banned all the bots...?

What should I cook with meat?

My mom cooked a ton of meat in the crockpot with some marinara sauce but no pasta to go along with it. I was wondering if anybody had any unique ideas or recipes that I could use the meat in besides spaghetti. Something like meatball subs or anything you don't normally think of that I can try out.

How much to remove a capped brick chimney with no fireplace running from basement, up 2 floors and thru attic?

The house is over a century old and the chimney is completely walled in, except in the basement and attic, there is no fireplace. I would estimate 40' tall. We were told it was in bad shape (crumbling) and had it capped. We would like to make renovations to our kitchen and bathroom and could use this extra space. The house has another chimney with a fireplace that we are keeping.

My ex was charged with possession of cocaine but can help explain why and what these abbreviations stand for?

They found a crack pipe in his hotel room in Georgia. He was charged with PSS/Sel/Pur/MA VGCSA. What does all that stand for? He was charged with a felony but it was just a pipe with residue of cocaine. Why wasn't he just charged with paraphenalia? The paperwork says something about the "Georgia Controlled Substances Act". He also was charged with obstruction because he tried to reach for something twice on his bed (he did NOT have any weapons) after being told to remain still. He was subsequently thrown to the ground and suffered a concussion. His prior record was a DUI one year ago and check forgery 13 years ago and that's it. He also isn't from Georgia and was travelling. He lives in New York. What kind of time could he be facing? Could he possibly just be ordered to do some sort of drug treatment program, community service, and work with probation in his own state? THANKS for any help. He is basically a decent guy and he's been clean for a long time but just relapsed. We are still good friends and I'm worried for him.

Do police realize that the bill of rights is a provision to protect innocent citizens not criminals?

At least 80% of what the government does goes against the constitution (just read Article 1, section 8 for a list of the enumerated powers), so there's not really much point in invoking it for any reason except in remembrance of its former glory. Unfortunately, neither major party is interested in preserving our liberty, so the only other options are submitting to those in power or starting a revolution.

Golf Clubs: Are they really still getting better?

As an avid experienced golfer of nearly 20 years, I have seen and experienced unbelievable improvements in the golfclub. Club shafts have went from hickory, to steel, to graphite, and back to steel again. The clubface packs an MOI higher then ever seen before. Weighting options on most drivers, irons with more forgiveness than ever, yet the golf companies just keep giving us more every year. However, I feel like since 07,08 the clubs themselves have reached their peak in technology, maybe not for good, but a peak none the less. Colors, ad campaigns for "THIS Years Model" keep us coming for more. So my question is, how much better are they getting now? Are 2005-08 clubs just as effective as their newest brother in 2011? Is the Taylormade R11 all that superior over the R7? Are the Callaway X24's irons vastly improved over the X12's, 16's or 20's? Obviously wear and tear will have an affect, but what is your opinion? What do you use as your weapons of choice?

Facial hair question please help 10 points!?

im 14 male from middle east,i have hair everywhere on my body,and now i noticed i got it on my face inbetween nose and cheek,ive nvr seen anybody have hair there except me,and it seems like my beard does not stop,if i shave,but i can only notice it if i go really close in the mirror,its like peach fuzz,and i have some dark hair on my upper cheeks too,idk whats wrong is this normal during puberty.....im so worried,aand dont think i can have a five o clock shawdow bc my hairs evrywhere,and it might grow moree and i dont think my beard will stopp

If I take a sample of ale and dilute it by three successive 100-fold dilutions...?

and plate 1 mL onto a plates. After incubation, I notice 62 colonies. How many bacteria/mL do I really have?

Does this case of child exploitation, and child , remain to be related to mob activity?

Well, first of all, I wanna say i am firmly against child exploitation and child . However, many children are left alone with predators by their parents or otherwise because they have no other choice and need to eat and survive. If we allowed more sweatshops to hire children in developing countries, it would give these kids a better way to spend their time than getting d, But those crazy liberals like obama, dont care about the reality of children warfare and would instead want u guys to believe in a fairy tale world where children all get a education. Developing countries have different ways of working just like united states used to work, believe it or not, there used to be child labor in the united states, in fact, u could argue, it was child labor that built america.

Did you see the picture on NASCAR.com, of Kurt and Kyle Busch?

I had to laugh looking at big brother Kurt in his Firesuit, compared to his kid brother in his M&M's candy firesuit. I would love to have a poster of that picture.

Who saw God and where has he gone?

Yeah im pretty sure no one has spoken to "god" or seen him. I dont really believe in things of which i cant see. If i saw god or talked to him, then yeah obviously i would know something is there and i would believe but i doubt that will happen. Also i think in the early years, people have questioned where they had come from and tried to come up with theories so thats when religions were made. But yeah thats my opinion.