Friday, November 11, 2011

Why did my gumbo go bad?

Two years ago my mother and I began making gumbo as a addition to the Thanksgiving meal. We made two types of gumbo, chicken and seafood, to satisfy all guests at dinner. Each gumbo included the roux, tomatoes, okra, onions, garlic, bayleaf, pepper, chicken and its broth, crab meat, shrimp, and crab legs. The crab legs we added to anyone's bowl who wanted some but were not in the inital pot. The gumbo turned out great and everyone wanted more. We decided we would continue the gumbo addition at Christmas and last Thanksgiving. On both of these occasions the gumbo went bad after just 24 hours. On each occasion we added the same ingredients. The crab legs became a part of the mixture considering their popularity. We made sure to refrigerate the gumbo the same night we cooked it, however, it still went bad. Was it the crablegs? Any native New Orleanians have any idea? With Thanksgiving around the corner, I really need to know.

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