Sunday, November 13, 2011

My friend is stealing my life...?

Mmmm the only thing i can say is try little by little to distance yourself from her, and try making friends with other people, i think it will be hard to find somebody with similar interests to be your friend but there might be somebody like that out there. It's not use having a "friend" like her, i have a friend who used to be really fat then had gastric bip surgery, got thing and would always hit on guys i would kind of like, even though she got a bf o.O but i just let her be and tried to not hang out with her as much and try not to show her that i liked a certain guy, now we still talk and hang out once in a while, all is good but as i distanced myself from her all the drama went away, so i recommend you try to hang out less with her and try to find a new friend, how do you know maybe you should try talking to one of ur friends who seem to like her better over you and tell her how you are feeling, and the things she has done to you, perhaps she/they will side with you(or pitty u lol) and think she's a b*tch lol but yeah try talking to one of your other friends about it, you never know maybe you will get closer to one of them, ooooor you can also try making friends with a guy, maybe not a guy you like, but just a friend and tell him about your problems with this girl and little by little forget about your "friend", best of lucks~! :)

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