Monday, November 14, 2011

I need some help getting over my fear?

FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real, thought tornados are definatly real, if you still do what i ume ur parents trained you to do ( hide in a safe location) the fear is just a defect of the fight or flight response, i have it to on some things and im much older than you. you are not immature, ur actually more mature than most adults i know you admit you have a fear and trying to learn how to deal with it. that is very mature. Try to figure out what part of it is actually bothering you and try to rationalize it away. The bathroom part is normal ur body is trying to prepare the flight . (get rid of it now so u dont have to do it later during the actual storm event--- as ur probably worrying that if it does hit u wouldnt have a place to actually go later)

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