Monday, November 7, 2011

Looking for any one who truely knows about the paranormal concerning a child who sees dead people?

Your child defiantly has a gift of seeing spirits,it's often said that spirits will show themselves to younger children,I have read and seen some paranormal shows that have had the very thing happen in their families,one case in particular was on Paranormal State which I often watch,and the paranormal investigators on this one case were dealing with a young boy that was witnessing another child that died in the back yard and was appearing to him and the researchers did just what you did,they found a photo of a family and showed it to this young boy and picked out the boy that was appearing to him right off the bat.What they ended up doing was to call a priest to come in and bless the home.Some people are just more perceptive and more in tune with the spiritual world.They had even had a psychologist visit and speak with the boy and he determined that nothing was mentally wrong and that the boy didn't have an over active imagination as well.I am a believer in this phenomena because I have had several experiences dealing with paranormal activity over my life time and I am an adult,I'm 53 years old.You have done all the right things as far as the research and having a paranormal team come in,I was glad to see your note to Eri as she is always in this section and doesn't believe in this phenomena,I have even asked her to move on to a different section if she doesn't believe in this phenomena,she only looks at it from what she calls a scientists view,she has never experienced any activity and until she does I just feel that it's best that she doesn't try and give her input regarding this phenomena.Any way getting back to your situation,I think if I were in your shoes I would sit my son down and explain to him that the has a god given gift and not to be afraid of it.As your last resort to settle down activity I would suggest that you call in a priest and have them bless the home,some people claim that they can calm down activity by also burning sage to cleanse the home,this may be a couple of options for you.I really enjoyed reading your post and I thank you for posting this,I find this subject very fascinating and I wish you the best of luck,if you do consider doing any of these things, please come back to this section and post any results.

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