Saturday, November 5, 2011

Why are poeple angry about Blacks voting for Obama 90 to 10%?

It was Hillary who made the MLK comment? Bill Clinton who tried to marginalize Obama as the Black candidate by comparing him to Jesse Jackson. The Clintons drove Blacks to Obama hoping to capitalize on the whitebacklash but surprise not all whites are as gullible as the women in New hamsphire who gave her the sympathy vote. If Hillary supporters want to blame someone for the overwhelming support Blacks are giving Obama by proportions of 90-10 blame the Clintions they are the ones who pulled out the race card by trying to marginalize Obama as the Black candidate hoping to turn white people off. They injected race into to campaign Black people saw it and reacted. The Clinton played dirty and low. Black people loved the Clintons and were split about 55-45 until the Clintons wanted to play dirty. Blame the Clintons for throwing the race card not Obama.

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